Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mind your OWN business, America!

I found a great post titled, “Equal rights for ALL” written by Mollie H., discussing the gay rights controversy. I think this is a wonderfully written article. She mentions that, “When you deny two people from having a legal marriage contract, you are not just denying marriage, but their basic rights as American citizens.” I couldn’t agree more. Mollie makes several excellent points to support her argument. One of these being, “Our country has a bad track record for denying people their basic rights due to fear. A fear of people who have different colored skin, people of different genders, people with disabilities, and now people who love differently.” This totally goes against the idea of “equality for all citizens”. In each of these cases, it has taken us a while to finally get it right (equal rights for minorities, women, people with disabilities). Why are Americans so scared of change and of others who don’t fit the typical American stereotype? Secondly, she points out, “One main argument against same sex marriage is that being a homosexual is a choice.” True, whether or not being gay is a choice or not, either way, no one desires or chooses to be discriminated against. So, why does it matter?

I believe that if more people were to just mind their own business regarding these controversial issues (abortion, religion, gay rights), the world could be a better place. Regarding these issues, why in the world does anyone care about how his or her neighbor chooses to live their life? Their choices and decisions are for them to take up with their own God, they have to live with them. It is NOBODY else’s business. People should respect the views and opinions of other people. You don’t have to agree with them or adopt their views and beliefs but they should be respected. This is what makes us all different, unique individuals. It is the beauty of being an American.


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